Unie elevating events



Omnia Kampus



Event Mode

Virtual event

Countries Represented


DuuniOmnia gathered students and employers virtually

Virtuaalinen työelämä- ja rekrytointitapahtuma DuuniOmnia keräsi virtuaalisesti yhteen yli 1500 osallistujaa, joiden joukossa oli Omnian opiskelijoita ja henkilökuntaa kuin työelämän edustajiakin.

Live stream was produced in the Omnia Kampus, and it was streamed to the platform's main stage. YLEX morning show radio personalities Viki & Köpi were the hosts of the show.

In addition to the live stream, students were able to participate in employment workshops and meet employers directly in the expo area of Hopin platform.

Based on the feedback in the event message walls and discussions, live interactions were especially important for the students.

Attendee comment

"For me, the virtualization was magnificent and a worthy form of future student events as well. From a student point of view, virtual form decreases the bar to attend the event, and enables participation to interesting workshops and efficient networking with employers."

"The event exceeded our expectations and the platform worked exceptionally well. Great service from Unie from planning to execution of the event. Attendee feedback was also very positive."

Better event experiences - together